Thyroid Federation International
works for the benefit of thyroid patients worldwide.

Who we are
Thyroid Federation International (TFI) is a global, non-profit network of patient organizations with more than 30 member organizations from all continents – both patient-led and patient-oriented – that aim to support thyroid patients worldwide. TFI’s mission is to provide evidence-based information to patients and their families about thyroid conditions and help them make informed decisions about their health. TFI actively participates at several international congresses, European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE), the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), European Thyroid Association (ETA), American Thyroid Association (ATA), and Latin American Thyroid Congress (LATS), and maintains continuous communication with EURORDIS, EEC, and WIA to help put thyroid disorders on the agenda, have doctors and patients team up to ensure timely diagnosis and adequate treatment to everyone, irrespective of geographical location.

What we do
Thyroid Federation International aims to work for the benefit of those affected by thyroid disorders throughout the world. From the patients’ side, it is within our mission to educate and inform, emphasize the importance of thyroid health, and increase awareness of thyroid diseases (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, Graves’ Disease, Thyroid Eye Disease, thyroid cancer, MCT8 deficiency, and other thyroid conditions). We work to highlight the prevalence of thyroid diseases and promote understanding of the advances made in treating thyroid conditions. Similarly, it is our important goal to encourage and assist the creation of thyroid patient organizations. Furthermore, we collaborate with medical professionals, endocrinologists, and experts in thyroidology to ensure a better understanding of thyroid disorders and their complications. Through member organizations, we provide information and support for those impacted by thyroid conditions. We promote thyroid education and research related to thyroid disorders.
Our impact
Global Outreach

As thyroid disorders impact many people worldwide, we seek to establish local thyroid patient organizations in many countries to support people who need further information and help.

Doctors benefit as we provide them with information about the quality of life experienced by thyroid patients. Similarly, we gain important evidence-based information from doctors that we can pass on to patients.

Patients benefit because we listen to their concerns. Many patients raise interesting points for discussion that we pass on to the doctors. In turn, many patients volunteer to help develop patient organizations in their country.
Become a member
of our network
International meetings

7-8 OCTOBER 2024